The world’s maritime sector is standing in solidarity with communities around the world battling the coronavirus pandemic by joining Abu Dhabi Ports’ initiative “Horns of Hope”.
In a world-first campaign, all ships in harbours around the world have been sounding their horns in 15-second bursts each evening in recognition and support of the maritime, healthcare, and critical sector personnel who continue to work in mission-critical roles to address the impact of covid-19.
The initiative which was launched at the end of March received a welcome boost when both the International Maritime Organisation – the 174-member-state-strong United Nations specialised agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping – and the Arab Sea Ports Federation formally committed their members to the cause.

Port workers, mariners, equipment operators and administration staff are continuing to maintain the steady movement of cargo in the face of emergency. Their hard work and dedication help guarantee that supply lines remain open, ensuring that shelves remain stocked and hospitals secure needed medical supplies.
The Horns of Hope campaign expects to see vessels within the world’s port harbours signalling solidarity by sounding their horns each day at 6.30 for the remainder of the ongoing global battle against covid-19.